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Shabri: A Tale of Devotion and Equality
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Today, let's dive into a timeless story from Hindu mythology that teaches us about love, faith, and equality. It's the story of Shabri, a woman whose unwavering devotion to the divine broke societal norms and prejudices. Her tale not only inspires but also reminds us of the universal principles that connect us all.

Discovering Shabri's Story

Shabri's story is rooted in the ancient epic Ramayana. She belonged to a marginalized community and faced discrimination in society. But her heart was filled with love for Lord Rama, whom she believed would one day visit her humble abode.

The Power of Unwavering Devotion

Shabri's life teaches us about the transformative power of unwavering devotion. Despite her marginalized status, she never lost faith. Every day, she decorated her cottage with flowers, eagerly awaiting Lord Rama's arrival. And when he finally came, she greeted him with utmost reverence, offering him berries she had carefully chosen and tasted.

Breaking Barriers of Caste and Prejudice

Shabri's encounter with Lord Rama shattered societal barriers. Despite criticism from others, her devotion transcended caste and status. In that sacred moment, only pure love and devotion mattered.

The Teachings of Sri Ram on Devotion

नवधा भगति कहउं तोहि पाहीं। सावधान सुनु धरु मन माहीं॥

O Mother Shabari! I am telling you this new form of devotion, which you should listen to carefully and think about in your mind.


1.  प्रथम भगति संतन्ह कर संगा।

The first devotion is to always be with the saints, i.e. virtuous people.


2.  दूसरि रति प्रभु कथा प्रसंगा॥

The second devotion is to keep Rati i.e. love in Prabhu Katha, i.e. such stories which inspire us with the ideals of life.


3. गुरु पद पंकज सेवा तीसरि भगति अमान।

The third devotion is Aman (aman) i.e. giving up pride or ego and respecting one's Guru.


4. चौथि भगति प्रभु गुन गन करइ कपट तजि गान॥

The fourth devotion is to give up fraud and deceit from your life and praise God i.e. whoever you consider ideal.


5. मंत्र जाप प्रभु दृढ़ बिस्वासा। पंचम भजन सो बेद प्रकासा॥

The fifth devotion, which is revealed in the Vedas, is chanting the mantra of the Lord, that is, repeatedly thinking about the thoughts of whatever is your ideal, so that your concentration does not deviate from your ideal.


6. छठ दम सील बिरति बहु करमा। निरत निरंतर सज्जन धरमा॥

The sixth bhakti is to always strive to build one's modesty, i.e. character, and to maintain detachment from actions even while performing various duties in life (in the Bhagavad Gita also this important life principle is repeated as "karmanye vadhikaste ma phaleshu kadachan"). has gone) Along with this, one should always keep oneself engaged in good deeds i.e. good deeds.


7. सातवँ सम हरि मय जग देखा। हरि तें संत अधिक करि लेखा॥

The seventh bhakti is to see the entire world as Hari i.e. the highest expression of one's love and to love everyone equally (Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam!). Saints i.e. knowledgeable people and people who do good work should be considered more than Hari. It is important that here God himself is saying from his own mouth that knowledgeable and gentleman people should be considered above God. Today, when attempts are made to instigate people's religious sentiments for the sake of politics, then this humility of God must be remembered.


8. आठवँ जथालाभ संतोषा। सपनेहुं नहिं देखइ परदोषा॥

The eighth devotion is to take advantage of satisfaction and not to see the faults of others even in dreams. Today, when we face excessive pressure to be the best everywhere from school days to our entire life, this quote is important for all of us.


9. नवम सरल सब सन छलहीना। हरि भरोस हिय हरष न दीना॥

The ninth bhakti comes in the simplest and easiest form. In this state, man gives up all deceit and deceit, becomes free from all the ostentation of the world, has supreme faith in his ideal without being affected by happiness and sorrow and ultimately attains Nirvana.


नवधा भागती सबरी कह दीन्हीं | सादर सबरी सीस धरी लीन्हीं ||

In this way, Lord Ram told this new form of devotion to Mata Shabari, which Mata Shabari accepted in her mind with respect.

Sri Ram didn't stop at praising Shabri's devotion. He said it was absolutely perfect, complete in every way. But here's the beautiful thing: even if someone just takes one tiny step, one small action out of these nine paths, they become very dear to the Lord. It's like saying even a little bit of love goes a long way with the divine. You don't have to be perfect to be appreciated. Even a single step on the journey of devotion holds value.

Embracing Shabri's Legacy

Shabri's story challenges us to question prejudices and embrace true devotion. In a world divided by discrimination, her tale reminds us of the transformative power of love and faith.

Shabri's tale isn't just a myth, it's a guiding light for us all. Through her devotion, she teaches us about equality and the universal principles that unite us. In Shabri's story, we find inspiration to break down barriers and embrace the essence of true devotion.

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